What is Assembly Bill No. 375 ? View this link.
What information does Noximaze Software Solutions, LLC collect for the purposes of software purchasing, licensing and communications ? : Your email address
Can I request you remove my email address from your database ? : Yes
How can I request you remove my email address from your database ? : Open a support ticket here.
What does it mean as a customer of Noximaze Software Solutions, LLC when I ask you to remove my email address from your database ? : We are happy, and legally obligated, to fulfill your request. Bear in mind that we will no longer be aware of you as a customer and will not automatically inform you of product upgrades. Requests to recover lost licenses will not be possible without you providing proof of purchase.
What other information do you collect from me ? : We only collect your email address, which is with your permission and is opt in only, with your explicit consent.
Header image attribution : AB-375 Privacy: personal information: businesses